The Michael Ray Lee Foundation utilizes the game of golf to positively impact lives through charitable giving with emphasis on scholarship and junior golf.

Michael "Mike" Ray Lee, a true angel, the best life has to offer, lost his life on December 22, 2020 due to complications from COVID at the age of 28. Michael was born in Denver, CO on April 28th, 1992 and was raised in Greeley, CO where he graduated from Greeley Central High School in 2010. He then attended the Colorado School of Mines and graduated with a professional degree in Petroleum Engineering in December 2014.
Fifth Annual Mike Lee Memorial Tournament
Boomerang Links - Friday, June 6th, 2025
Scholarship Opportunity
The legacy of Michael Ray Lee lives on through a scholarship designed to honor Mike's commitments, interests, and heart for student athletics. Mike lived his life under the ideals of dedication to a strong work ethic in both academics and athletics; being positive, friendly and welcoming to others; and most importantly, the personal quality of integrity. This is the trait the family has chosen as the focus for the scholarship that bears his name.
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